Package app.service

Class DialogBoxes


public class DialogBoxes
extends java.lang.Object
Class containing static methods for different kinds of popup window interactions with the user.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static void showErrorMessage​(java.lang.String errorMessage)
    Shows a specified message to the user with an error icon.
    static showOpenDirectoryWithDialog​(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
    Shows an OS specific directory chooser to choose a directory on the disk
    static showopenFileWithDialog​(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
    Shows an OS specific file chooser to choose a file on the disk
    static showSaveFileWithDialog​(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
    Shows an OS specific file chooser to specifyy a new path on the disk

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • showErrorMessage

      public static void showErrorMessage​(java.lang.String errorMessage)
      Shows a specified message to the user with an error icon.
      errorMessage - The message to show the user
    • showopenFileWithDialog

      public static showopenFileWithDialog​(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
      Shows an OS specific file chooser to choose a file on the disk
      stage - The JavaFX stage to connect to the dialog box. This is needed for the window to be able to run on the JavaFX thread.
      The file chosen through the dialog window
    • showOpenDirectoryWithDialog

      public static showOpenDirectoryWithDialog​(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
      Shows an OS specific directory chooser to choose a directory on the disk
      stage - The JavaFX stage to connect to the dialog box. This is needed for the window to be able to run on the JavaFX thread.
      The file chosen through the dialog window
    • showSaveFileWithDialog

      public static showSaveFileWithDialog​(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
      Shows an OS specific file chooser to specifyy a new path on the disk
      stage - The JavaFX stage to connect to the dialog box. This is needed for the window to be able to run on the JavaFX thread.
      The filepath chosen through the dialog window